Thanks for the great customer service you provided when we were dealing with my skin rash problem. The rash appeared shortly after we got our new hot tub and it was very frustrating trying to deal with. We followed all of your helpful suggestions and are now enjoying our lovely, sparkling clean hot tub with total enjoyment. My skin is so sensitive that I was wondering if I would even be able to use the tub regularly. Spa Marvel is proving to be the solution for us and we are more than pleased. Thank you so much for your assistance.
Mary Jo & Larry Dawson
I tell everyone how much we really enjoy Spa Marvel. My wife’s skin is so sensitive that before we were introduced to Spa Marvel she could only stay in the spa for about 15 min. She can now enjoy the spa for hours without any scratching or hives! Thanks again
Robert Riggs
I am really enjoying the hot tub! The Spa Marvel has worked wonders. I am in the hot tub 3 to 4 times a week for about 20 minutes each. The skin issues are completely gone. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your involvement in getting my hot tub usable again. Thanks for taking the time to follow up.
Jack Landon
Tucson AZ
Your product is exceptional. I use it on two very different tubs with perfect results…a Hydropool at home and a Rotospa at the cottage. At home your cleanser cleaned out all of the hard water build up after 2 cleanings. Up north we no longer worry about long absences and no longer have to spend the first day balancing the tub! Thanks
My back is almost totally healed from that chlorine rash that I received from the chemicals before Spa Marvel and now I have no worries about getting into our hot tub several times a day.
Spa Marvel is wonderful and we absolutely LOVE it. We have told all our friends who have hot tubs. All our family is thrilled by the no smell and no burning eyes or skin. We cannot thank you enough for making this product.
Well it’s been a month or so now since we started using Spa Marvel, and all readings are perfect!!! Everything is amazing…no hassles with chemicals, no more balancing the pH levels, no slimy feeling in the tub, no smell…WOW!!! It’s been great!!! This is a product every tub owner should use you will not go back to the fumbling with chemicals. Thanks for a wonderful product.
Good morning Spa Marvel. It’s been a few months since you’ve had the pleasure of my troubled emails, so I thought it time to burden your inbox again. However, this time it’s great news and sincere thanks I want to inundate you with. Since we last spoke we followed your instructions to the letter. I dare say, it is now early October and my hot-tub is warm but most impressive it is crystal clear just like you guaranteed. After an average use of let’s say 4-5 times per week in the last 3 months, it remains pristine! Thank you again for your patience. Although your product is fantastic as I’ve been singing its praises to others, your service is outstanding and for that I thank you. Now, if only you did kitchen renovations too LOL.
Thank you very much for introducing us to Spa Marvel. We have been using this product for three weeks now and it is amazing the spa is crystal clear and the water smells and feels fresh and clean. We have tried many other options over the past 3 years and this is the only product that that has not caused my skin to become irritated. We are happy that we can now use our spa on a daily basis and enjoy the experience that once enticed us to buy a spa 3 years ago. Thank you, thank you and thank you again.
Not only am I impressed with your product, your support is even more impressive.
I just started using Spa Marvel this year – amazing! I use virtually no chemicals only a few small bromine tabs in my floating small skimmer from time to time. Water has never been clearer and more stable. Thank you!!
I am happy to report to you, as I said I would, that your product does exactly what you said it would do. It has been 3 months now and I am a new believer in what your product does. I have not had the need to balance my chemicals i.e. pH, alk etc. I have clear water as if it were fresh, no foaming at all, no adverse smell, no scum line, no slimy sensation nothing but clear clean water. I have 3 other individuals now converted and more to come.
We have been using Spa Marvel for 4 months. There has never been foam or any kind of ring on the walls to wash off. I just uncover it and get in. I have not added any chemicals to the water but I do use the bromine at a low setting. So, long story short, THE STUFF WORKS and I like it. I have recommended it to a couple of people and will continue to do so. Thanks for a great product!!!
This product is a marvel. We switched from Aquafinesse, which was an impressive improvement from bromine. To find a product we like much more than that one is amazing. We left our hot tub for 4 weeks with Spa Marvel in it that had been added 2 months before we left. We turned the temp down a bit and added 2 extra chlorine pucks. On our return home the hot tub was the same as we left it. We turned it up, added a chlorine puck and were in it the next day. Thank you for this incredible product.