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Spa Marvel
8111 Jane St, Concord, ON
L4K 4L7
Toll-Free: 1-888-400-1772
Telephone: 519-583-2484
Fax: 519-583-1286
Email: solutions@spamarvel.com
Contact Us
Some email providers filter messages based on content, subject line, or the sender’s address and may put your email into the a bulk or junk mail folder. Please make sure @spamarvel.com is on your “approved sender” list or “whitelist” and/or in your “address book.” Occasionally an ISP will institute mail controls that block your email completely without your knowledge. We often do not even receive notice of such a block. The only solution to this problem is for you to be aware what triggers your ISPs blockage and make sure they understand you want to receive our email.