Complete Guide to Hot Tub Folliculitis: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention
Complete Guide to Hot Tub FolliculitisCauses, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention If you develop a rash within a few days of going in a hot tub or swimming pool, you may be wondering: Can you get a rash from a hot tub? What does hot tub rash look like? In answer to...

Hot Tub Rash Cure & Pictures
Hot Tub Rash Cure & Pictures If you have the misfortune of developing a rash after hot tub use, you’re not alone. A rash can originate from one of several causes and isn’t uncommon. Hot tub chemicals, as well as bacteria that thrive in hot tubs, can lead to...

Hot Tub Health Risks & Benefits: Improved Sleep & Health to Chlorine Rash & Bacterial Infections
Hot Tub Health Risks & Benefits: Improved Sleep & Health to Chlorine Rash & Bacterial Infections Whether you’re looking for a way to relieve stress, reduce pain, or lose weight, there’s a plethora of hot tub benefits to be gained from soaking in a spa....

Pseudomonas Folliculitis Symptoms, Causes, and Diagnosis
Pseudomonas Folliculitis Symptoms, Causes, and Diagnosis The development of red bumps from a hot tub is typically the result of a bacterial infection known as pseudomonas folliculitis. The condition is more commonly known as hot tub folliculitis or hot tub...

Hot Tub Rash Prevention & Swimming Pool Rash Prevention
Hot Tub Rash Prevention: Folliculitis, Chlorine & Bromine Hot Tub Rash There are multiple causes of hot tub and swimming pool rash. So the first step to hot tub rash prevention is understanding the various causes. Chlorine and bromine hot tub rash are chemical...