
Well it’s been a month or so now since we started using Spa Marvel, and all readings are perfect!!! Everything is amazing…no hassles with chemicals, no more balancing the pH levels, no slimy feeling in the tub, no smell…WOW!!! It’s been great!!! This is a...


Spa Marvel is wonderful and we absolutely LOVE it. We have told all our friends who have hot tubs. All our family is thrilled by the no smell and no burning eyes or skin. We cannot thank you enough for making this...


My back is almost totally healed from that chlorine rash that I received from the chemicals before Spa Marvel and now I have no worries about getting into our hot tub several times a...


We have been using Spa Marvel for 4 months. There has never been foam or any kind of ring on the walls to wash off. I just uncover it and get in. I have not added any chemicals to the water but I do use the bromine at a low setting. So, long story short, THE STUFF...