Rash/Skin Irritation Questions Name* Email * Phone Number: Are you using Spa Marvel? Are you using Spa Marvel?Yes, I am a long time user of Spa MarvelYes, I am a new Spa Marvel userNo, I do not use Spa Marvel How many days after the introduction of Spa Marvel Water Treatment did you start to encounter the issues you have now How many days after the introduction of Spa Marvel Water Treatment did you start to encounter the issues you have now Less than 1 day 1-2 days 3-5 days 5-10 days 10-14 days I don't think it has anything to do with the issue at hand After reading the article: Would you say that your rash/irritation sounds like what this article says? After reading the article: Would you say that your rash/irritation sounds like what this article says? Yes, this is exactly how I would describe it Yes, but it's not exactly like the article No, it doesn't seem to be reflective of my issue Can you describe the irritation/rash: What does it look like? Where is it located? Does the rash occur 4 to 48 hours after using the spa, and is it accompanied by a severe itch, and lasts 1 to 2 weeks? Does the rash occur 4 to 48 hours after using the spa, and is it accompanied by a severe itch, and lasts 1 to 2 weeks? Yes No Is this rash experienced in other pools or spas? Is this rash experienced in other pools or spas?Yes, When they use chlorineYes, When they use bromineYes, either chlorine or bromineNo I have not had a rash like this beforeNo I do not use other pools or spa How long after a fresh fill does it take for the rash/irritation to be experienced? How long after a fresh fill does it take for the rash/irritation to be experienced?Rash occurs 4 to 48 hours after using the spa, and is it accompanied by a severe itch, and lasts 1 to 2 weeksRash occurs almost immediatelyRash develops within 12 hoursRash develops within 12-24 hoursRash develops within 24-48 hours (1-2 days)Rash develops within 48-72 hours (2-3 days)It's really hard to tell when the rash starts How long does the rash/irritation last? How long does the rash/irritation last?Less than 24 hoursBetween 24-48 hours (1-2 days)Between 48-72 hours (2-3 days)Between 5-7 daysCan be as much as 14 days What are you using to shock your water? What are you using to shock your water?Non-chlorine shock - MPS oxidizerEnhanced shock - MPS Oxidizer & SanitizerSanitizer - Chlorine or Bromine Concentrated GranulesI don't use any shock What are you using as a sanitizer? What are you using as a sanitizer?Chlorine - GranulesChlorine - TabletsBromine - GranulesBromine - tabletsBromine - 2 part systemOzone/UVOther What is your Total Chlorine reading? What is your Total Chlorine reading? 0ppm 0-1ppm 1 ppm 3ppm 5ppm 10ppm What is your Free Chlorine reading? What is your Free Chlorine reading? 0ppm 0-1ppm 1 ppm 3ppm 5ppm 10ppm What is your Bromine reading? What is your Bromine reading? 0ppm 2ppm 4 ppm 6ppm 8ppm 10ppm 20ppm What is your alkalinity reading? What is your alkalinity reading?0-40 ppm40-80 ppm80-120 ppm120-150 ppm150-180 ppm180-240 ppmOver 240 ppm What is your Hardness reading? What is your Hardness reading?Less than 50 ppm50-100 ppm100-200 ppm200-300 ppm300-500 ppmMore than 500ppm What is your pH reading? What is your pH reading?6.8 or lower7. or higher Is the water clear? Is the water clear?Yes, It's crystal clearYes, the water is clear but there is a tinge of colour (eg: green, yellow, brown, orange etc.)Mostly, there is a slight hazeNo, water is very cloudyTerrible, water looks like soup Do you have trouble with persistently cloudy water? Do you have trouble with persistently cloudy water?Yes, water is constantly cloudy water even when I shock and no one uses the spa/hot tubSometimes, water goes cloudy but it clears up with a proper shockNo, I have never had this issue before How long does your sanitizer last? How long does your sanitizer last?I cannot get a reading no matter what I tryDisappears within 24 hoursDisappears within 24-48 hoursLast 3-5 days Are you on any medication: particularly heart/blood pressure medication? Are you on any medication: particularly heart/blood pressure medication? Yes - I am taking heart / blood pressure medication No - I am not taking any heart / blood pressure medication Unsure - I have other medications that i do not know if it could cause a reaction Let's assume one bather uses the spa 2 times a day that would equal 2 uses. How many USES does the spa have per week? Let's assume one bather uses the spa 2 times a day that would equal 2 uses. How many USES does the spa have per week?Less than 2 per week2-6 per week6-10 per week10-16 per weekMore than 16 per week Is there any other information that you think could be important for us to know that could be of interest? 14 + 13 = Send